Simple Ways to Be More Mindful
Hey Fulfilled Femme,
I am so excited to share with you some ways to be more mindful in your day-to-day life!
Mindfulness is a practice that I have been diving deeper into lately.
When we get caught up in the fullness of creating a fulfilling life and impactful business it's easy to get focused on all the tasks and lose sight of being mindful of your well-being.
Can you relate?
If you aren't familiar with mindfulness and are wondering what it is.....
What is mindfulness?
Mindfulness is a mental state of being completely aware and conscious of something in the present moment. You are in touch with the thoughts and feelings of your current experience.
The concept of mindfulness has gained lots of popularity and has been more widely talked about, especially since the Covid 19 pandemic. That is a gift that came from a very difficult time for the world.
Literally, anyone can practice mindfulness! There are so many ways to be mindful. The more we cultivate this awareness and get in touch with our internal well-being, the more we are able to create more peace and ease within ourselves.
Today I am thrilled to share with you some simple ways you can be more mindful in your day-to-day life so you can enhance your internal landscape.
Here are some simple ways to be more mindful:
1. Be Present by Using Your Breath
It can be so easy to get caught up in our future plans or things about our past we wish we could change.
Even when you opened your email just now, you probably had a to-do list running in the back of your head or got caught up thinking about what you need to do next.
But right now, just pause.
Take a few moments, close your eyes, and breathe in through your nose.
Imagine your lungs, your chest, and your belly expanding as much as they can, and then exhale.
Be aware of the sensations running through your body as you fill it with your breath. Do you feel stress or ease in certain areas of your body? Do you feel peace or tension? Take a moment to give yourself time to focus on yourself.
Now that you have this awareness, choose a state you'd like to feel instead. My go-to is peace. Breathe in peace throughout your whole body and exhale the rest.
Using this simple practice allows you to use your breath to connect with the present moment. The more we can be present, the more we can let go of the overwhelm of what has happened in the past or what will happen in the future.
I especially like to use this technique when I notice I am feeling misaligned and overwhelmed. The few moments this takes to connect and complete this practice the better I feel afterwards.
If you are looking for ways to be more fulfilled in the present moment I invite you to listen to a podcast I recorded about this. Listen here!
2. Become Self-Aware by Journaling
Did you know that we all have on average 60,000 to 80,000 thoughts a day? Crazy right?
No wonder we often feel exhausted by the end of the day! It’s so easy to find ourselves running on autopilot, that we forget to mindfully check in with our thoughts and feelings.
The best way to create self-awareness and support our mindfulness practice is to journal daily. Use these 3 simple journal prompts daily, and you’ll be shocked to realize how much more self-aware you become as you move through each day:
What was a win you had today?
What was something you learned?
How did you celebrate?
I share these prompts with all my clients as they are a simple way to become aware of themselves.
As life flies by we don't take the time to recognize how much success we have in the moments in our life and how many divine lessons we receive. Celebration is the key to amplifying more wins in our lives.
If you want to journal more especially about your entrepreneur journey, you are welcome to download my free Confident Business Guide here. It is filled with journal prompts to help you confidently start your business. Get it here.
3. Cultivate Stillness with the Power of Meditation
It can be so tempting to want to keep pushing your body through the day. Often we fall into this trap of thinking that we’re not productive unless we’re doing something.
But there is a true beauty of being in the here and now, where we can put our phones in another room, and just be still and quiet with ourselves.
Stillness meditation does not have to be an extravagant experience. It doesn’t even have to be guided or with a higher purpose. My advice is to sit and listen to the natural sounds around you, or put on a soundscape of the ocean or the rain.
I’ll admit- I had trouble with this at first because I always wanted to keep moving, but I can assure you it completely transformed how I move through my day.
Since using this technique, I have a stronger ability to move through life's tense moments with more ease.
I hope these tips help you tap into mindfulness in your day-to-day. Share your favourite in the comments section of this post or any other mindfulness tools you love.
See you next Tuesday at 12pm EST. Until then you are welcome to join my Facebook community, Fulfilled Femme Entrepreneurs where I post weekly videos, card readings, and exclusive content.
Love and Light,