How Celebration Can Help You Gain Momentum And Achieve Your Goals
Hey Dream Achievers!
Welcome back to another blog post! Today, I want to talk about a way you can start to gain momentum and the importance of celebration.
When I celebrated my birthday on June 28th, I took some time to reflect on my twenty-sixth year. I focused on my successes and lessons.
I happened to be talking to some of the lovely people in my Dream Achievers Accountability Circle and I was shocked to hear that they weren’t celebrating consistently!
So, I want to share the importance of celebrating your wins and share some ways you can easily implement celebration in your life.
How does celebration help you create momentum?
It fills your journey with positive energy.
It allows you to embrace the journey and combat some of the destinations syndrome that I talked about in my last blog post.
Basically, destination syndrome means you are so focused on the bigger picture that you are not celebrating your small wins and embracing the journey while you work toward the overall goal.
Which can lead to overwhelm, stress and burnout.
Celebrating will help you progress in your journey.
Each time you experience a win, you give yourself a pat on the back and continue pushing forward.
I’ve found that in my life when I’ve celebrated every win that I’ve had it naturally created more wins and more success.
Schedule Your Celebration Time
Every week I schedule some sort of big celebration with myself.
For example, I will go out with friends, have a nice sushi dinner, have a self-care night, or go on an adventure.
Make sure you are intentional about your celebration time.
Say to yourself, “Today, I am going to celebrate that I've been consistent with my Facebook lives, I got a new client, I hired an assistant, healed something, or learned a powerful lesson.”
However big or small it might be, celebrate!
Have An Anchor
An anchor is a physical action you do every time you have a win or cross something off of your list of goals.
Maybe, it’s a happy dance or some sort of physical movement along those lines.
The more you repeat your anchor, it’s going to release positive endorphins to your brain.
It’s like the Pavlov theory, you’re conditioning that positive response in your brain.
The more positivity you have the more momentum that’s going to be created in the process of making your dreams a reality.
Celebrate The Wins of Others
If your friend or group member here launched a new blog, started their business, created a Facebook group, had a really dope Instagram post that you resonated with, celebrate.
You can celebrate by engaging with their content, giving them a like or share, purchasing their product and supporting them!
The more you celebrate the people in your circle the more it’s going to naturally come around to you.
The higher your vibration, the more accountability partners and cheerleaders you will have. These people will be a big part of your journey to achieving your goals and dreams.
It’s important to celebrate each other's wins and to share your wins with confidence as it can inspire people on their journey.
If you take anything from today’s blog post remember that:
Celebration helps you create momentum as you hit those milestones on the way to achieving your dreams.
It’s important to schedule your celebration time weekly, even daily.
Have a positive anchor to send that positivity to your brain.
Celebrate everybody’s wins & share your wins!
This way you can enjoy the milestones and embrace the journey on the way to achieving your dreams.
Thank you so much for reading my blog post. Stay tuned for future blog posts every Tuesday at 4 PM!
Don’t forget to join our community of Dream Achievers over in the Facebook group! I go live every Monday and would love to see you there!
Much love,
Cassandra Rosa