Blog Introduction - My Business Journey

Updated: Jul 8, 2020

Hey Clarity Creators!
After contemplating starting a blog to run in conjunction with my Facebook community for some time, I’m sooo excited to share my first blog post!!! Eee I am so excited!!
First I’d love to share a little bit about my story and let you know what you can expect from the content I share over here in my new corner of the internet!
First things first… I’m Cassandra Rosa and I’m an intuitive life coach, clarity creator, reiki master, speaker and author, born and raised in Toronto, Canada.
I’ve always had a desire to make my mark on the world and over the last several years, I’ve been able to fine-tune exactly what that looks like through my intuitive life coaching business.
But I guess we should start at the beginning shall we?
From a young age I knew I wanted to help people. I just didn’t know what that meant.
Come the time in school where we had to “figure out the rest of our lives” I thought, “maybe I should be a teacher? Then I thought maybe I should study psychology. I love giving people advice”. I studied Psychology at Brock University and as graduation approached I had a major NOW WHAT MOMENT.
Like so many other 20-somethings, I felt a lot of uncertainty about what my life would look like once I graduated. Shall I continue my education? Should I get right to work? NOW WHAT???
I took a step back and decided to go on an adventure of a lifetime….. I participated in a study exchange at Maastricht University in the Netherlands. I had the time of my life filled with travel, adventure and self-discovery! It was such a transformational experience.
Upon returning home to Canada experiencing the travel bug to say in the least! I set off for another adventure - volunteering abroad in Namibia, Africa at an after school program mentoring teenagers. It was the most rewarding experience of my life. I can’t wait to go back there!! That is where I fell in love with mentorship!
Back in 2014 life coaching wasn’t as big as it is now. I thought maybe I could make a lot of money in the insurance industry and follow in the footsteps of my father. With that money I dreamed of creating a school in Africa to help children achieve their goals and dreams.
I did well in insurance but it didn’t light me up and excite me. I spent hours daydreaming of making an impact in the world. Deep in my gut I knew I wanted more.
Can you relate?
I left the corporate world and moved on to working in sales and marketing for several multi-billion dollar companies like Coca Cola and Nespresso. At the same time personal development fell in my lap. It was soooo divinely placed! I picked up any “self help” book I could get my hands on and became a seminar junkie flying all over the United States taking business, mindset and personal development workshops and certifications.
It opened my eyes to the career of life coaching and I finally found a career that I could create the impact I wanted to make in the world! YAY!!!
It’s safe to say that I’ve had my fair share of uncertainty, leading to career pivots, learning opportunities and, of course, finding my place in the world as I help Millennials find the clarity they need to create their dream life and business. I guess you could say I have a lot of experience in dream achieving!!
Since then I have embarked on a path as an intuitive life coach and I have never been happier!! I am absolutely in love with seeing my clients get those moments of clarity they are seeking.
I spend my time coaching my clients in my Clarity Creation Course, keep my Dream Achievers accountable in my Accountability Group, facilitating card readings and reiki healing treatments and delivering high-value content in my Facebook community! I am so grateful to use these vehicles to impact people's lives.
On a personal level, some of my hobbies include travelling and thrill-seeking, increasing my personal development with books and seminars, spending time with my family and in nature, and sending my little sister cute pictures of french bulldogs (they are too cute I can’t resist).
I’m a member of Toastmasters International - public speaking is my jam!
Finally, I’m the author of an upcoming book NOW WHAT?: Create the Clarity to Achieve your Dreams (stay tuned for release info).
Now, what can you expect to learn about in this blog?
I will share tips on:
How to clearly define your life purpose
Mindset techniques
Energy expansion exercises
Anything related to creating your dream business
I will throw in some personal stories with adventures and life lessons too.
I am so grateful you have joined me on this journey. New posts will be live on Tuesdays at 4pm EST! Stayed tuned for next week’s post!
Much love,
Cassandra Rosa